One: Firstly, and most importantly; the People. I'm sure this is the same at every university but everyone here just knows each other and they can always collaborate and help each other. I've met some really amazing people here and meeting new people was definitely what I was most excited about before I moved.

Two: Beaches. We decided today that by choosing Falmouth we compromised a good night life for amazing beaches... That never crossed my mind before. You won't find anywhere like Gylly Beach and the Hot Chocolates and cakes in the Cafe are on point.
Three: Creativity, in the buildings and students at the University and in the events they put on. In general, it feels like a really positive place to be.
Why can Falmouth feel like like the worst place in the world?
Nightlife - Okay, I would seriously advise coming for a night out in Falmouth if you can before you make your decision (and if you consider going out a priority). I didn't but I wish I did although I don't think I would have been swayed that much. There are 2 clubs, one nicknamed Club STI, it's not bad but it's the same thing every week and Vanilla which I am yet to see. However there are some really nice bars like Toast and the SU puts on club nights about once every 2 weeks and they're always worth it.
Transport - Getting anywhere costs a lot unless you have a car or are going to Truro on the train. Truro on the bus is £4, a taxi to the main campus from Falmouth Town is £10, if you don't have your student card or someone is visiting and the don't have a Falmouth or Exeter one, the bus to town is £3 ish for a single. That all sounds normal for other places but there's not a lot to do in Falmouth so it hardly seems worth it.
Shopping - Falmouth for shopping is very poor, the best it gets is New Look and Boots. There is a really nice vintage shop at the very top of the high street, up a hill and at the very bottom there's one called Wild Pony but for anything else like Topshop, River island, Starbucks, it's Truro.
Isolated - I don't know if this is every University but, here it feels really isolating, like you're in a bubble and nothing going on in the world affects you. I rarely watch the news any more which is really bad. It may because it's Cornwall but, sometimes you feel really cut off which is nice when you're on the beach with a hot chocolate and you know you're in the best place you can be but on a bored rainy Sunday when your work is done and you've cleaned your kitchen and bedroom, it's crazy boring.
Ketamine - Finally, the drug of Falmouth is Ketamine - Horse Tranquilliser. I haven't had any or want any for that matter. There are drugs wherever you go but I think or at least I consider horse tranquilliser to be the dirtiest, just don't.
I definitely think that the good things out weigh the bad, Plymouth isn't too far for a decent (ish) night out, about 2 hours on the train. Neither is Newquay although I've never been there. I would advise you to have a list of things to do on cold rainy days... like blogging!
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